ACN – Homepage

We are the AnarCom Network (ACN) UK and Ireland (All Islands)- Solidarity and Comradeship with revolutionary internationalists everywhere!

The AnarCom Network is a group of like-minded individuals organising under a loose national network, mainly online.

We are a revolutionary anarchist communist working-class organisation that advocates the abolition of the State and capitalism in favour of a horizontal network of voluntary associations through which everyone will be free to satisfy their needs. The liberation of our class, the working class, of itself, by itself, for itself!  We aim for a classless society and the abolition of the class system.

We oppose all forms of political power, hierarchy and domination.  We believe in mutual aid, working class autonomy, free association and working-class solidarity with the ultimate aim of overthrowing capitalism and wage slavery.

As Anarchist Communists we believe that capitalism is at the heart of exploitation whether that be human, animal or environmental.

We believe in Internationalism as espoused by the First International and as such subscribe to the belief in “No War But The Class War”.

Exploitation is expressed in terms of class, race, gender, gender identity, sexuality, disability, health, age, and ability.  The ruling classes use these to divide the working class and as anarchist communists we oppose and reject all forms of exploitation and discrimination and we believe all human beings should be equal.

We support the right for everyone to express who they are as long as it doesn’t dehumanise anyone else or any other group of people in society.

Our Challenge:

The outbreak of war in the nuclear capitalist heartlands; the climate catastrophes of the last year; the unfolding consequent horror of total hunger and destruction, and the resurgent global struggle of our class has added urgency to our challenges as revolutionists. 

As capitalist barbarism is increasingly unmasked at home, we are told to do our bit by getting hungrier, colder, poorer and closer to Armageddon.  Every act of resistance we take, every strike, occupation and refusal to participate in the great lie is a blow against capitalist war and its slaughter.  Every demand, every act of solidarity, every gain is a blow for peace. 

We continue to argue that a new, if historically familiar,  tendency is emerging – an internationalist revolutionary class struggle realignment, as a response to the reality of war and it’s existential threat. 

Our response is to continue building good relationships with revolutionary internationalist militants on this basis.  War will not cease without it

In summer 2022, a group of us started discussions on how a new network could better contribute to the wave of resistance we as workers were already involved in.  From this came the idea of the AnarCom Network and our discussions to develop it.

Our aim was to create a structurally flexible network around a concise and coherent set of agreed revolutionary principles we would define as Anarchist Communist.

A flexible network to enable comrades from other traditions, local groups and non-aligned, to manage their route to engagement with us.

Coherent because lessons from centuries of revolutionary class struggle are not open to endless debate or unlearning with fleeting fads or expedience.

Anarchist Communist because our consensus lies firmly within this tradition while recognising members bring their own rich experience from the traditions of other anarchist movements, council, left and libertarian communism.